RULES OF PLAY ENIGMA is a code breaking game. • THE CODE • The code in enigma consists of from three to eight colored lights. Each light may be any of the following colors: Light Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Dark Blue, Pink or Orange. • YOUR GUESS • You guess the code by clicking on the appropriate colored buttons in the lower right hand side of the screen. You may "back up" at any time by clicking on the button with an "x" in it, hitting the back arrow or the delete key. Once you have picked a series of colors you think correspond to the solution, you submit your guess to the machine by either pulling (clicking) on the lever or hitting the spacebar. *Note* The solution may contain more than one of the same colored light! • THE RESULTS • The Rosetta machine will evaluate your guess and present you with two pieces of information in the two right hand columns. The number in the left column represents how many of the colors in your guess are present in the solution. The number in the right column represents how many of your guesses are both in the right position and are the correct color. • THE POINTS, I.Q. Score • You will receive 5 points for each correct choice you make after the first. All of your other points will come from your bonus. The bonus is calculated as 5 points for each row you did not need to use to break the code. See the Specials below for some variation in scoring. For your information: Name I.Q. Lettuce 6 Ugly Bug 10 Halibut 22 Chicken 48 Dog 62 Cat 63 Chimp 80 Human 100 • SPECIALS • You start the game with one punch card. A punch card can be used at any time to tell you the correct color/answer for the guess you are currently at. Anytime you solve a code consisting of more than three colors, you will receive a new punch card. Your adversaries are liable to throw a "monkey wrench" into Rosetta at any time. This can have any of the following effects: 1) It can make you skip one row/guess. 2) It can erase Rosetta's information on your previous guesses. or, 3) It can cause your score to start ticking down.... If you turn off the these monkey wrenchs ( and who would want to do that?) your bonus will be docked 15 points per screen.